Another Year in Digital Mass Media

Shayne Comp, Journalist

Digital Mass Media is a class that a lot of people love. Different pathways to do, lots of learning, and of course lots of friendships built because of it. This year is a little different, we have returning “5 out of 7 Students are returning from last year” says Zach Roper. Students for Digital Mass Media I and II are taught by Mr. Matson, and Mrs. Hirtz.

There is a little difference from this year and the previous year, “This year has a better flow. The various pathways are merging better than they did last year, partially because we have returning students, and partially because Mr. Matson and I now have a year under our belt. We have a lot of talent within the classroom, and quite a few students have really stepped up and taken on leadership roles,” says Mrs. Hirtz. Over the past month, our analytics from this year show that our number of users has increased 30%. Students are learning, teachers are learning; we are doing some really amazing things” says Mrs. Hirtz. 

When it comes to the pathways there are 4: journalism, video production, event planning, and social media. There is one that is the biggest pathway since it needs more people in it, since there are equipment that needs to be carried, and worked with. Mr. Matson says “the event planning team is the biggest pathway in the class. It is a team that requires a lot of people. It takes a couple of students to produce an event.” 

There is a difference between Digital Mass Media (DMM) 1 and DMM 2 students; in DMM2, students are more independent. You don’t get assigned topics anymore; you think on your own and make your own due date. One Is learning their pathways and all about the class still. Two students help the one students and teach them new things” says Bella Olla. 

Each day the kids are working on their pathways and making the progress. The event team does an amazing job working the sport games. The journalist do an amazing job making articles about whats going on around school. The social media team is doing amazing job making graphics for game days, and also video production does an amazing job doing the Monday mixtapes.