Looking for Your Support Warriors: Fill the Paper Bag

Annual Student Council Food Drive


Sydney Jares


The annual MHS Student Council food drive will be taking place next Monday, December 5th through Friday, December 9th. Like last year, students will be able to donate food items for the Muskego Food Pantry by bringing them to their first hour classes. PLEASE donate to this great cause. bagAt the end of this week, you will see paper bags in your teacher’s first  hour class; this is where you will place your donations. During the week of the food drive, a student council representative will stop by at the end of each day to count and collect the food that was donated. To show our appreciation of your generosity, we will be awarding Krispy Kreme donuts to the first two periods that donate the most food. The Monday following the food drive, Sydney Jares will announce the classes that donated the most food. That following Tuesday, winning classes will receive their donuts! If you have any other questions about this event please see Sydney Jares. ‘Tis the season…let’s show our Warrior Spirits!