The Forensics Finale

The Forensics Finale

Katie Starosta

The 2015-2016 Forensics season has came to a fantastic end! The team enjoyed speaking for a final time at the second state tournament at the campus of University of Wisconsin. Out of the eleven performing team members six received perfect scores, gold medals and top honors of the day! The joyous individuals were MaryJo Kanelos, Josh Zhang, Clayton Cavanaugh, Katie Starosta, Zack Pileggi and Daphne Adamson. Three team members were also ecstatic for earning silver medals for the day! These proud individuals were Humza Siddiqi, Michaela Laffin, and Dan Lovas. The final two competing team members, Maya Kasch and Abby Tiedemann were delighted to receive bronze metals for the day. Overall, the MHS Forensics team did a wonderful job the entire season as they competed against other schools from a multitude of locations! All of their efforts have proved to be very rewarding. Each of the team members were also thrilled that along the season’s journey they continued to raise standing in the National Speech and Debate Association {NSDA}. Throughout this season several team members were able to earn higher and more difficult degree levels in this association. To encapsulate the season Head Coach Meinecke, Coach Dittmar and Coach Honeck have asked each of the team members to attend the delicious Cake and Coffee Awards Banquet in May. To conclude Head Coach Meinecke exclaimed. “Great job this season, I can’t wait for the 2016/17 season to start!”.


2016- State at UW Madison
The gold medalist’s stand together for the final snapshot of the season.

Displaying Gold Medal Winners.jpgDisplaying Gold Medal Winners.jpg

2016 State Team